The Big Idea Tertiary Scholarship
Taupo RSA Trust is offering a Tertiary Scholarship of $10,000 for students in Year 11-13 who submit a written submission of a ‘big idea for the development of an enterprise in Taupo’s tourism or primary industry sectors’.
Three successful applicants will be shortlisted to present their idea to a panel of judges in November (they will be notified early October).
What is your BIG IDEA for a bright future?
The written submission should outline your IDEA, show the development of the IDEA, the advantages & disadvantages of the IDEA, potential revenue and employment opportunities, a summary, and an assessment of the likelihood of success. The submission should be 2,000 – 3,000 words plus any supporting documents – submitted as a .pdf or Word document.
Submission deadline: 18 September, 2020
The Education Trustee is the sole contact for all Scholarship matters, to reach them with any questions:
Phone: 029 377 6123
Applicants must download and complete the application form. When you are ready to submit your Big Idea, please upload below with your application form.